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Inside the iceberg: What, Why, How ?

"A calm and humble life will bring more happiness than the pursuit of success and the constant restlessness that comes with it." - Albert Einstein We've all seen a similar image at some point in life.  Now if you get up one day & decide,umm, ok so i'd like to begin / consolidate the process of "what people don't see" in my own life, in a calm & humble way (thanks Mr Einstein !), you think oh shoot, where do i begin?  The goal of this blog is for me to, primarily, consolidate everything that goes into doing the "what people don't see" aspect of success, one step at a time. (The other, sinister objective being passing on all "that's worked" on to my son, who in a few decades may, hopefully, want to figure out!) Pick up and implement what you like ! Also most of the so called "self-helps" out there are just designed to fill their pockets while you keep running on the treadmill, s...

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